Any donation you make between now and December 31 will be matched three times over. That means every $1 you donate turns into $4 to support children. You can help us build relationships on love, empowering youth for 12+ years, no matter what!

Together, we’re building relationships on love!

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During this season of gratitude and joy, we find ourselves humbled. Across the country, thousands of children and families choose to trust us for the long-term. As we walk alongside them, we become a part of each other’s lives, and we all flourish. We believe this happens because we live our values - we build relationships on love.

Website Youthand Caregiver 21

We’d like to share a little bit of that love with you! It is our pleasure to introduce you to Juliana, Alma, and Tanya.

Juliana is a smart, joyful second-grader who likes spending time with her friends and has big goals. Alma is Juliana’s incredible mom, who is raising three children on her own, and was working night shifts until she lost her job due to COVID. Tanya is their Friend, a salaried, professional mentor who is making sure that Juliana and Alma can achieve their hopes and dreams.

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Now, after only a few years of being together,
all three are already thriving.

Juliana has come out of her shell and wants to be the “first lady president.” As Tanya puts it, “she was quite shy when I first met her, but now, wherever she goes, it feels like the sun is just shining.” Alma has a new, stable job with her very own office – a dream she never thought achievable. And Tanya? She gets to do what she’s passionate about, full-time, with love.

We want every child’s light to shine! With your support, we can make sure that thousands more children and families can benefit from someone like Tanya – a Friend who will show up every day, every week, every year, for 12+ years, no matter what.

Donate Now!